Welcome our new Community Advisor, Julieta Suárez Calderón!

Julieta aims to love transformative justice into practice.

They come to abolition from lived experiences as a queer GNC immigrant in a mixed-status family and hold deep gratitude for all their abolitionist teachers and dreamers.

They hold a B.A. in Women and Gender Studies and Race, Indigeneity, and Migration from UT Austin. During their time in Austin, were involved in grassroots organizing, mutual aid, and nonprofit work focused on immigrant and housing justice, building relationships with folks directly impacted by policing and detention/incarceration. Queerness and migration shape Julieta’s freedom dreams to reimagine justice and accountability in community and to build networks of collective care.

They enjoy cooking and eating, learning languages, spending time with kiddos, outdoor adventures, yoga, and art appreciation. They are (finally!) learning to play the drums and feel most themselves when they’re singing, dancing, and by the ocean <3.

If interested in connecting with Julieta, email them at julieta@texasafterviolence.org.