Thank you, Charlotte Nunes!

Texas After Violence would like to sincerely thank Charlotte Nunes, who is stepping down after five years of service on our Board of Directors.

Charlotte currently works as the Director of Digital Scholarship Services at Lafayette College Libraries, and she has not only been an effective member of our board, but also supervised a number of student collaborations with TAVP. As part of their coursework for Charlotte’s spring 2015 English class at Southwestern, titled “Freedom and Imprisonment in the American Literary Tradition,” students completed digital archiving tasks to make TAVP oral histories available through the Human Rights Documentation Initiative. Charlotte has been a vital supporter of community-based archives over the years, including working closely with long-time TAVP archival fellow aems emswiler on the early development of our partner archive at the Inside Books Project. 

We are so grateful for all that Charlotte has contributed to building Texas After Violence. Thank you, Charlotte!